XACS team in collaboration with Mario Barbatti and groups in Warsaw University and Zhejiang lab has recently published a paper in JCTC about the versatile Python implementation of surface-hopping dynamics. This implementation is based on a powerful MLatom ecosystem for …

JCTC: Surface hopping dynamics with QM and ML methods Read more »

MLatom@XACS makes AI-enhanced computational chemistry more accessible and supports both ground- and excited-state simulations with quantum mechanical methods, machine learning, and their combinations. We are happy to announce that we will release the new upgraded version of MLatom 3.3.0 that …

Surface hopping dynamics with MLatom is coming: Join online broadcast! Read more »

Mario Barbatti, his group and collaborators published an update on Newton-X – a popular open-source platform for surface hopping and nuclear ensembles. An update include extension of the Newton-X platform to supervised (with our MLatom platform) and unsupervised learning (with ulamdyn). The paper is also open access and appeared in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation.