Welcome New Members of Our Group!

Fuchun Ge, Ran Wang, and Linqiang Wei join our group starting this month. Welcome!

Fuchun officially joins our group as a PhD student. He has just finished his master in analytical chemistry. Before that he already made significant contribution to our tool for atomistic machine learning simulations and thorough benchmark of machine learning potentials – all as his hobby project in his free time!

Ran graduated from Shandong Normal University and got her bachelor of Science in chemistry with experience in theoretical investigations of the catalytic reactions. She is starting her master in our group.

Linqiang graduated from Shaanxi Normal University with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and he has research experience about biomedical titanium alloy surface gel skin. Linqiang joined our group as a master student within special AI+X program, where he will investigate how to create more accurate machine learning models with less computational cost.

We wish Fuchun, Ran, and Linqiang successful research!

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